Show Notes, June 2nd, 2014 TechSpot 80 Google planning to spend $1B on Internet satellites, says WSJ Google is planning to spend more than $1 billion on low-Earth orbit satellites to bring internet access to unwired regions of the globe, according to the Wall Street Journal. Details are scarce at this time, but it is being speculated that the project […]

Show Notes, April 21st, 2014

Lena talks about   Martin joins and talks about and   Brothatech joins the conversation He talks about talking about technology, and being a digital lifestyle consultant.   @Blackloverules or @theymetonline         Lena may talk later about the joy of linux on an […]

Show Notes, April 14th, 2014   Lifehacker 2K LastPass Now Tells You Which Heartbleed-Affected Passwords to Change This week, a giant security hole came to light that affects a large portion of the internet. As different sites recover, you’ll need to change your passwords, and now LastPass tells you when to do so.Due to the nature of the Heartbleed […]

TechnocolorRadio 04-07-2014

TechnocolorRadio04072014 by Technocolorshow on Mixcloud

Show Notes, March 24th, 2014

Lena & Rose Regina talk about laptops and travel. Martin joins and Lena starts talking about 3D Heights a shop at 4048 Broadway between 172-173 St New York NY 10031 which offers 3D printing services including but not limited to 3D designing, 3D scanning, 3D classes, prototyping, education, architecture, and self portrait replicas. A year […]

Show Notes, March 10th, 2014

Rose Regina and I talk about the sadness of sitting on your laptop. Everything You Need to Know About the New Privacy-Focused Smartphones A new generation of privacy-focused smartphones hit the scene at Mobile World Congress (MWC) last month. On the surface, they’re all pretty exciting, but do you really need one of them to keep […]

Show Notes February 24th, 2014

the theme of todays talk who owns the airwaves! ** Martin and Rose talk about the aeros tv court stuff ** Martin reports on the success of the ** Rose talks about encryption issues  ** Rose talks about comcast buying timewarner ** Martin brings up Samsung joining forces with paypal to pay […]

Show Notes February 17, 2014

Lena talked about: Tech for seniors ** Rose talked about: Humble Bundle EFF ** Martin talked about: Social Media Week & the Black Social Network Play @ZondraHughes – joines us on the air to talk more about the Black Social Network Play ** Ars Technica is starting a how-to […]

Show Notes February 10, 2014 Tomorrow February 11, 2014 is The Day We Fight BACK! USA FREEDOM Act – vs FISA Improvement Act – The ACLU & The Day We Fight Back! in support of the USA Freedom Act   From WSJ – NSA Collects 20% or Less of U.S. Call Data NSA Collects 20% or Less of U.S. Call Data – […]

Show Notes January 27th, 2014

Rose Regina and I talk about how to choose a laptop.   In Tech News: Google glitch flooded at least one poor guy’s inbox Users around the world dealt with Gmail woes earlier today, but at least one faced an even stranger Gmail problem. David Peck, a private banker from Fresno, California, has been receiving […]